Well I have attempted over the past week or so to post anything up here but Katy seems to sense when I'm on the PC and not lavishing attention on herself and that puts an end to that. Luckily she's asleep now and as tired as I am, I thought I better post something while I had a moment.
I'm going to have to post my older projects for now, struggling as it is to finish her crochet blanket. Though it is getting there no matter how slowly it's progressing. Like being on the computer, she seems to know when I have needles or a hook in my hands too. :)
Anyhow, once upon a time I had a Holly Hobbie doll. A really big sized one as well. She was beautiful and amazing and I loved her dearly. From her stemmed my absolute love for anything rag-doll related. To the point that I even attempted to make my own. The first attempt wasn't very good though my niece Lauryn loved her. It was the first topsy turvy doll I ever did before I ever found the knitting patterns for them and as I had no real pattern to go on for this particular doll, I do think she came out alright.

After making this one, I decided to go onto e-bay and hunt down as many rag-doll patterns or books that I could find. There was one by Jean Greenhowe, another by the Goodhouse keeping and a Holly Hobbie one. Of course me being me, couldn't just pick one pattern and settle with it. Oh, no I had to modify to create something utterly different. The head on the HH pattern was way too awkward for me and the transfer wouldn't work at all, so I winged the head from the tips in the 'goodhouse keeping' book (will get up photos of these patterns and books as soon as I possibly can) I got the hair sorted by using tips from the Jean Greenhowe book. The dress I knitted though. My youngest sisters birthday was on the way and I seriously couldn't think what to buy for her, so I made her a rag-doll.

Of course when my older sister Kathryn saw her, she wanted one as well. That poor doll I am still in the process of finishing. Knitting, the pregnancy and a whole bunch of other things kept getting in the way. Now it's just the TLC of Katy that does but as soon as this doll is finished, I'll load up some photos for you.