Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sock Bug

I haven't been on for a few days, mainly as I had the hospital appointment whereby they were all set to induce me if there wasn't enough fluid around the baby. Thankfully, there was enough to sink the Titanic so I get to go to term - unless of course baby has other ideas. The very thought of inducement makes me cringe, I know the last few weeks of this pregnancy have felt never ending and I've said enough times, 'I wish it were all over now and she was out' but would rather it be in babies time and not by some pushy doctor. So I've been warned to rest a bit and keep my feet up as much as possible as am beginning to swell up now. Had to remove all my rings and have what my sister terms as 'Cankles' where my calves and ankles combine... can't wait for that part to be over with.

So I managed to sit down for a while and get some knitting done over the past few days. As I had promised Ben a pair of socks, thought that would be the easiest way forward and if I got annoyed or bored with them could easily just put them aside and get on with something else. As it was they were just so easy to knit up, it was the sewing of the seams afterwards that aggravated me a bit. But presented him this morning with his new socks and for the first four hours of this morning he wore them religiously. Gushing about how great they were and how comfortable. Of course he's only going to use them as slipper socks as they are so thick and cosy.


  1. The 'cankle' is Aisling I suppose, she has a word for everything! The socks look great, lovely and thick and comfy.

  2. very cute socks :-) they look similar to what I just knit for Kristen. And now our weather is turning warm so she probably won't wear them til next winter!
    Do take it easy and put your feet up as much as you can, when is baby girl due to make her appearance? Wishing you all the best and hope to see your 'big' news soon.

  3. Very cute socks. Thinking good thoughts for you and the baby. I remember those last few weeeks vividly especially the canckles :)

  4. Yep it was Aisling who mentioned the term 'cankles' to me. Who else? :) Have just a week to go Denise but don't know if she'll wait that long. The day the baby is due is also my eldest sons 12th birthday, so he is wishing desperately for me to have the baby before or after but certainly not on his day! Ben loves his socks and refuses now to wear his slippers at all. Of course DH is moping around saying I'm neglecting him by not knitting him any... men! ;)
